Thursday, August 28, 2008

Dead Poet's Society


The above is the link for the movie trailer of Dead Poet's Society... more videos available on youtube...


Mui Suan

New 7 Wonders of the World

Hi 6th Kingdom!

now that we know what the ancient 7 wonders of the world are, here's the list of the new 7 wonders!
  1. Chichen Itza, Mexico - Mayan City
  2. Christ Redeemer, Brazil - Large Statue
  3. The Great Wall of China
  4. Machu Picchu, Peru
  5. Petra, Jordan - Ancient City
  6. The Roman Colosseum, Italy
  7. The Taj Mahal, India

These new 7 wonders were selected based on online voting from all over the world on 7 July 2007.

Mui Suan

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

7 ancient wonders of the world

Hi guys this is Wei Yang,

In response to Ms Lim's question, the 7 ancient wonders of the world are:

1. Great Pyramid of Giza built in 2584-2561 BC by the Egyptians for their pharoh Khufu

2. Hanging Gardens of Babylon built in 605-562 BC by Babylonian Nebuchadnezzar II for his wife Amytis of Media

3. Statue of Zeus at Olympia bulit in 435 BC by the Greeks

4. Temple of Artemis at Ephesus built in 550 BC by Lydians, Persians and Greeks

5. Mausoleum of Maussollos at Halicarnassus built in 351 BC by Persians and Greeks. It is a tomb built for Mausolus, a satrap(governer of a province) in the Persian Empire

6. Colossus of Rhodes (A giant statue of the Greek god Helios) built in 292-280 BC by the Greeks.

7. Lighthouse of Alexandria built in 280 BC.

Source: Wikipedia

Monday, August 25, 2008

How much is a life worth?

Hello 6K,

how much is a life worth?

I'm posting this entry because I'll like to draw your attention to this Straits Times forum article that I've come across just this month.

I remember the GP lesson on the topic of Euthanasia when Ms Lim brought up the topic of assigning a monetary value to a person's life which is particularly important when making certain decisions.

I have found this article a very interesting read, mainly because it discusses the issue with quite a bit of reference to the Singapore context (esp. organ trading).

Well, here is the article then, for reading pleasure:

What is human life worth?
By Euston Quah & Chia Wai Mun , For The Straits Times

AN AMERICAN'S life has become cheaper. How much cheaper? By about US$1 million (S$1.4 million), according to a US environmental body.

A public outcry erupted when the Associated Press (AP) reported on July 10 that the US Environmental Protection Agency (Usepa) had lowered the value of an American's statistical life from US$7.8 million five years ago to US$6.9 million now.

After the Sept 11 tragedy, the US government issued guidelines for compensating the victims' families, dividing the payouts into economic and non-economic parts. It must have been extraordinarily difficult to stick a monetary figure on the intrinsic value of life in such circumstances. But the US government had to do it because the victims' families demanded some form of compensation for their loss and the public expected it.

Not surprisingly, the Usepa did not make the devaluation public. But AP's Seth Borenstein discovered the devaluation after he reviewed US government cost-benefit studies over the past decade. Lowering the value of a life will affect government policies profoundly because the less a life is worth to a state, the less need it will feel for regulations to protect life.

The issue of valuing lives also cropped up in Singapore during the recent debate on organ trading. Which matters more: saving people or sticking to an ethical code? Which should we choose: more dialysis machines or more kidney transplants? Answers to such difficult question come down in the end to the worth we assign lives.

The thought of putting a dollar value to a human life may provoke moral outrage but the process is necessary for good public policy. No country has an infinite amount of money and resources to spend on protecting and extending each citizen's life. At some point, choices have to be made in such areas as health care and safety regulation.

Policymakers out to get the biggest bang for their taxpayers' buck must decide how much resources they will allocate to prevent unnecessary deaths rather than, say, improve education or public housing. The value of a statistical life reflects what people are willing to spend to reduce small risks of death. It is a measure used widely to evaluate public policies in medicine, environmental regulation and transportation safety.

Everyone accepts some measure of risks in his or her life. Some of these risks can be avoided by spending money. When a person tries to avoid potentially fatal risks, or accepts compensation to take such risks, he implicitly defines a trade-off between wealth and a lower or higher chance of death.

There are many methods of valuing a life, but most centre on one idea: The value of a statistical life should roughly correspond to the value that people place on their lives in their private decisions.

Suppose workers face a one in 10,000 risk of being killed each year and that they accept this risk in return for an extra $200 in annual wages. The statistical value of life then becomes $2 million (200 x 10,000).

But this number does not imply that people would accept death if paid $2 million or that they would come up with $2 million to prevent a certain death. Rather, it captures the amount which would make people consider a small change in the risk of death.

Government agencies put a value on human life so they can calculate the costs versus the life-saving benefits when drawing up particular regulations. If they set that value too low, regulations to protect life - such as stringent airline safety and tighter pollution restrictions - would start to look like more trouble than they are worth.

The value of a statistical life tends to correspond with per capita income. With a per capita GDP of US$45,845, the US has a statistical life valued at US$3.6 million (the average of 39 studies conducted in the US on the value of a statistical life). Australia, with a per capita GDP of US$36,260, has a statistical life value of only US$2.2 million. Among newly industrialised countries, Taiwan and South Korea have the lowest - US$1 million and US$646,000, respectively. What is Singapore's?

In December last year, we conducted a study to determine the value of a statistical life here. We asked people how much they were willing to pay for a small fall in their chances of dying.

From a sample size of 800 respondents, we conducted personal interviews with residents in seven housing areas - Yishun, Redhill, Tampines, Boon Lay, Bukit Timah, Choa Chu Kang and Sengkang. We estimated the value of a statistical life here to be between S$850,000 (US$606,00) and S$2.05 million.

Being a relatively advanced economy, with per capita purchasing power parity GDP of US$49,714, the value was close to that of South Korea and Taiwan but was surprisingly lower than America's or even Australia's. However, while the figure is lower here than in other advanced economies, the sum of S$850,000 to S$2.05 million is not small when translated into public project evaluations.

Of course, other economists may disagree with the figure we arrived at. But whatever the disagreements, we should try to put a value on life here for it would help us refine public policy in a wide variety of areas.

Ultimately, the question is not whether we should take on the challenge of ascribing value to life but how we should do it.

(Euston Quah is professor of environmental economics and the head of economics at Nanyang Technological University. Chia Wai Mun is an assistant professor at the same university.)

Hope you've gained some personal insights from reading this article. Personally, I agree wholly with the writer. Even though assigning a monetary value to life may seem like what "cold-blooded economists" do, my opinion is that this is very necessary for public policy which, after all, serves to maximise social welfare.

Jian Hua

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Medical Abortion

Here's Wei Yang,

To start the ball rolling, here's some info of an alternative method of abortion to vacuum or crushing heads.

With the new medicine called Mifeprex, women with in their first 8 weeks of pregnancy can take a mifepristone pill orally, then after 24-72 hours later, they take misoprostol, another medicine, resulting in contractions and ultimately miscarriage. It has been proved to be 95-97% effective within 2 weeks.

Advantages: Privacy - You can take the pills at home
- Less intrusive: No vacuums or surgical procedures needed
Empowerment - You feel that you have more control over your abortion

Disadvantages: Side effects - heavy bleeding(in serious cases may need blood transfusion), headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and heavy cramping
Small chance of about 5% that abortion fails

Evaluation: With the advancement of technology and medicine, there are more innovative ways of abortion that are more less intrusive, etc. However, this does not help to reduce the human rights controversy over abortion. Technology has enabled us to solve many problems, but as for moral issues, I guess we have to solve them ourselves.

Friday, August 15, 2008


Finally a place for all of you guys to appease your inner journalist.

And I finally chose a not-so-unique blogskin, so don't blame me if you don't like it, rather, acknowledge the fact that blogskin-hunting isn't exactly the most efficient way to spend your time if you don't have much in the first place.

So i'm hecking this now, go find your groups and work to keep this blog filled.

- Your IT Rep