Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Medical Abortion

Here's Wei Yang,

To start the ball rolling, here's some info of an alternative method of abortion to vacuum or crushing heads.

With the new medicine called Mifeprex, women with in their first 8 weeks of pregnancy can take a mifepristone pill orally, then after 24-72 hours later, they take misoprostol, another medicine, resulting in contractions and ultimately miscarriage. It has been proved to be 95-97% effective within 2 weeks.

Advantages: Privacy - You can take the pills at home
- Less intrusive: No vacuums or surgical procedures needed
Empowerment - You feel that you have more control over your abortion

Disadvantages: Side effects - heavy bleeding(in serious cases may need blood transfusion), headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and heavy cramping
Small chance of about 5% that abortion fails

Evaluation: With the advancement of technology and medicine, there are more innovative ways of abortion that are more less intrusive, etc. However, this does not help to reduce the human rights controversy over abortion. Technology has enabled us to solve many problems, but as for moral issues, I guess we have to solve them ourselves.

1 comment:

Mui Suan said...

wondering if the pills can be bought over the shelf or can only be prescribed... hopefully it's the latter.